full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Cindy Solomon: 5 tips for dealing with meeting overload

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now I know what you’re thinking: it’s hard to say no to a meeting. But it really isn’t. Simply tell the oienarzgr the truth. You know that they’ve got this, and if they need you, simply give you a ring. You can also use the opportunity to delegate the meeting to a high performer or subject mttaer expert who may be a better choice anyway. You can even simply let them know you have other priorities that week and ask if your aetdtnncae is necessary. All you need to do is communicate with hentosy and clarity.

Open Cloze

Now I know what you’re thinking: it’s hard to say no to a meeting. But it really isn’t. Simply tell the _________ the truth. You know that they’ve got this, and if they need you, simply give you a ring. You can also use the opportunity to delegate the meeting to a high performer or subject ______ expert who may be a better choice anyway. You can even simply let them know you have other priorities that week and ask if your __________ is necessary. All you need to do is communicate with _______ and clarity.


  1. honesty
  2. attendance
  3. matter
  4. organizer

Original Text

Now I know what you’re thinking: it’s hard to say no to a meeting. But it really isn’t. Simply tell the organizer the truth. You know that they’ve got this, and if they need you, simply give you a ring. You can also use the opportunity to delegate the meeting to a high performer or subject matter expert who may be a better choice anyway. You can even simply let them know you have other priorities that week and ask if your attendance is necessary. All you need to do is communicate with honesty and clarity.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
tip number 5
simply pick 2
purpose statement 2
goal tip 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
goal tip number 2

Important Words

  1. attendance
  2. choice
  3. clarity
  4. communicate
  5. delegate
  6. expert
  7. give
  8. hard
  9. high
  10. honesty
  11. matter
  12. meeting
  13. opportunity
  14. organizer
  15. performer
  16. priorities
  17. ring
  18. simply
  19. subject
  20. truth
  21. week